Blue Lace Agate


If you feel a blockage in your throat chakra, let its comforting energy help you speak your truth. It frees the throat chakra, allowing free-flowing expression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It helps those of us with speech impediments overcome the feelings of nervousness when using our voice and counteracts the feeling that we are being judged.
It allows feelings that have until now have been supressed to be calmly given a voice. This stone can also help men access their more sensitive side.
And helps with the expression of our truth both emotionally and spiritually. An excellent stone for healing the emotions, it calms stress, neutralises anger, calms nerves and soothes the spirit. It can enhance the benefit of sound healing.
Like all agate is a soothing and nurturing stone, bringing calmness and peace of mind. It gives the owner/wearer an inner peace of mind along with the enhanced ability to communicate their truth.

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