

Carnelian stones boost fertility and physical intimacy and have a strong healing energy.
They have a strong energy to accelerate your motivation. They will give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life.
They are stones of action and have a quite powerful energy to help to boost motivation and clarification.
This power crystal stimulates ambition and drive and has a powerful action to aid creative gifts.
Their energy also maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood.
The vibration of this bright orange stone may aid you to clarify your goals, so you can find your best direction in life.
At the same time they are quite stimulating, but may help to soothe anger or rage and bring calm.
In ancient times it was a stone used to protect the dead on their journey to the after-life.
They are beneficial healing crystals for you to utilize to aid the health of the physical body.

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