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  4. Frankincense 25g bag

Frankincense 25g bag


frankincense has a very aromatic earthy sent. you will get the Boswellia tree's musty pine notes, along with citrus notes and spicy undertones.
Burning it will activate poorly understood ion channels in the brain to alleviate anxiety or depression.
Frankincense has been used to help heal the body, mind, and soul. It can be used for meditation and cultivating inner peace, as a skin care remedy, and to help strengthen the lungs. similar to Sage or Palo Santo, acts as an energetic purifier. For years, frankincense has been used in religious and spiritual spaces to cleanse one's aura. This means that burning frankincense resin will help to cleanse and realign your chakras, leading to a feeling of balance and ease.
Can also be used as gum.
May reduce arthritis. Frankincense has anti-inflammatory effects that may help reduce joint inflammation caused by arthritis. May improve gut function, Improves asthma, and Maintains oral health. completely natural can help with inflammation to.

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